There is a lot of talk about the so-called Paris Agreement NDCs - Nationally Determined Contributions - recently. These are not only high-level climate policy plans for the implementation of the Paris Agreement but also a reflection on how civil society, and in particular the most vulnerable communities, will be included in the energy transition process. As countries are drafting their new plans set to be submitted in February next year, civil society organizations globally are advocating and pushing for ambitious, inclusive, gender responsive, rights-based and intergenerational policies.
That’s why Climate Reality Europe teamed up with Care about Climate during its third annual climate justice training and had co-founder Hailey Campbell give a presentation on 16 October about the current NDC statistics of the European Union and what needs to happen for a more just and resilient future. Their NDC Equity Tracker is a perfect tool to monitor countries’ progress and hold decision-makers accountable. Take a look at it here: https://www.ndcequitytracker.org/
During the session “Global Policies for Climate Justice”, Care about Climate launched their initiative “The Gold Standard for Youth Inclusive NDCs”, which is calling on EU decision-makers to adopt youth inclusive clauses into the bloc’s NDCs. This acknowledges youth as leaders, the importance of having them at the decision-making tables and the integral role of climate change education.
Do you want to be part of the movement calling for youth inclusion in the EU’s next NDCs? Then sign this letter and send it to your country's focal point.
Civil society can be part of shaping local, national and global policy; we just need to be loud and united!
"The Gold Standard for Youth Inclusive NDCs" Letter
Dear [insert representatives name],
My name is [insert name] and I am [a Climate Reality Leader or concerned citizen] from [insert country].
By February 2025, all countries are tasked with submitting an updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) that reflects their efforts on climate action through 2035. NDCs are country's national climate action plans required under the Paris Agreement. With the planet already on track to temporarily surpass the 1.5C limit, this round of NDCs represents our lifeline to protect the planet for generations to come. Correcting course means developed countries must do their fair share and increase collaboration with vulnerable communities to ensure new policies reflect their needs and leadership. .
Last year at COP28, the first Global Stocktake, which identified significant gaps in NDCs, acknowledged the critical need to "implement climate policy and action that is gender responsive, fully respects human rights, and empowers youth and children". This call to action is further acknowledged within the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) Work Programme (3/CP.27 / 22/CMA.4) and the ACE Action Plan (Decision 18/CP.26 / 22/CMA.3) which states parties will "provide capacity-building opportunities for youth with a focus on decision-making and implementing climate action at the national and international level".
Presently, the NDC Equity Tracker, which rates a country's Nationally Determined Contributions finds that the EU's NDC is "critically deficient" with respect to youth inclusion. I am sending this letter to request your support in advocating for the following "Youth Clauses" to be included in the EU's upcoming NDC. If adopted, the EU would be among the pioneers in solidifying youth inclusion within NDCs.
"We acknowledge that young people are not only vulnerable to climate change, but are also important decision-makers who can drive climate action and serve as beneficiaries of those climate action efforts."
"We commit to convening youth stakeholders to identify opportunities to integrate youth perspectives and communities for collaborative NDC implementation."
"We commit to increasing action on providing climate change education and awareness-raising for children and young people to strengthen their ability to sustain lifestyle in harmony with nature and contribute to mitigation and adaptation efforts.
Thank you for considering my request.
[insert name]
For more information on the NDC Equity Tracker, contact Ruth Hollands and Hailey Campbell at ruth@careaboutclimate.org and hailey@careaboutclimate.org.