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Join our research on Public Engagement in Climate Action

Tired of watching decision-makers draft policies that are far away from your community's actual needs? Determined to take matters into your own hands and get involved in local decision-making processes?

Then get involved by taking this 5-minute public engagement survey!🚀

As Climate Reality, we're embarking on a new exciting journey with our recently announced vision for a true net-zero by 2050. This vision is supported by four global campaigns: Emissions Reduction, Financing a Just Transition, Anti-Greenwashing, and Strengthening International Cooperation. Our first CALL TO ACTION as part of the "Emissions Reduction" campaign is to join our research on public engagement.

Why is that important? Time is running out and we need to enter into dialogue with policy and decision-makers. But where to start? We're hree to help you! But first, we want to understand where you are and what you need. Have you ever heard of public engagement and consultation campaigns? Maybe even participated in one? Let us know and we'll craft the right resources and opportunities for you to scale up your community climate action!

Filling out this 5-minute public engagement survey will help us tremendously in supporting Climate Reality Leaders in municipalities across Europe! Feel free to widely share the link with fellow Climate Reality Leaders and your network.

⏰The survey will be open until the 31st of August 2023

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